Wedding in May

When you are alone for days or weeks at a time, you eventually become drawn to people. Talking to randos is the norm. I’ll never forget the…

views from a walk

views from a walk in Vuosaari

vegan lasagne cooked

a classic redone, the vegan way – lasagne

A classic redone, the vegan way – lasagne

mökki 2015

We spent a week in a cottage in central Finland, here are some impressions.


An abandoned area in Helsinki.


Views of a mighty venue called Huvila, Helsinki.

Super Saturday

SuperSaturday - full of swimming and running.

Protected: vappu2016

muutama kuva

beetroot brownies

This recipe is a variation. Inspiration is taken from the vegan cookbook Vegaanin keittiössä by @chocochilinet.

Bodomtrail 2016

Bodom trail running 2016.


Luomus, the Kaisaniemi Botanic Garden

Openwater week

Super swim week - five days of swimming.


Moving on - my endurance endeavours in transition - exploring swimrun.

Söderskär 2016

Trip to the Söderskär lighthouse, 2016.

Protected: JaakkolaP

Kuvia vuodelta 2003 ja 2016 ja kutakuinkin samat ihmiset.


August 14 2016, swimrun event called Lake to lake in Luukki.

Everything by my side

Everything by my side by Fernando Rubio in Helsinki hosted by Helsinki Festival.


Mexrrissey and Talmud Beach on stage of Huvila, Helsinki Festival, 2016.

Jimmy Webb

Jimmy Webb and Dave Lindhol on stage of Huvila, Helsinki Festival, 2016.

Sea lives

Sea lives - Helsinki Festival, Night of the Arts, 2016.

panoplano – how to

A step by step guide for your own small world or tiny world photograph.


The Kaisa library in Helsinki.

Kaunissaari 2017

Kaunissaari 2017

project Alps

First it was an idea or rather a simple joke which at some point - once you repeat it enough times - becomes something you cannot back off…

Flow 2017

Flow 2017

Flowfestival 2017

Eiger, Mönch, Jungfrau

trail running in the Swiss Alps

Up there and back again, a trail runner's journey.

Protected: ilmasto

Vartiosaari 2017

Glimpses from Vartiosaari, 2017.

sun set at Uutela

Sun set caught from Uutela, Vuosaari, Helsinki.

Mustakivi playground

bird’s eye view

Looking at your neighbourhood from a bird's eye view.

Aurinkolahti, Vuosaari

Aurinkolahti panorama

Famous Aurinkolahti beach in Vuosaari from a bird's eye view.

Port of Helsinki, Vuosaari

Port of Helsinki, Vuosaari

Uutela, Port of Helsinki

Kalastama Sörnäinen, Helsinki


Kalasatama the former harbour area now heavily re-built and turned into a liveable neighbourhood, Helsinki.


on a Monday

Helsinki from below 150 meters, this afternoon I visited midtown and Hakaniemi, Helsinki.

the observatory


Helsinki from below 150 meters, I visited Tähtitorninvuori, Helsinki.

Koski Tl

Koski TL

Rural views of Koski Tl, Finland.

pizza oven

pizza oven

An outdoor pizza oven built in the middle of nowhere in Finland.

Kaartinkaupunki, Helsinki


#Helsinkifromabove, but below 150 meters, now Punavuori and Kamppi, Helsinki.

Ympyrätalo, Kallio

Helsinki in July 2018

Parts of Helsinki city centre from below 150 meters, as seen in July 2018.


random views of Vuosaari

Random aerial views of Vuosaari, as seen on August 12 2018.

REDI shopping centre and the high-rise majakka being built.

REDI – majakka

REDI shopping centre and the high-rise majakka being built.



Ramsinniemi, east Helsinki.

Vuosaari rooftop

Vuosaari rooftops

Some rooftops in Vuosaari, Helsinki.

Central Vuosaari lit by the evening sun.

Central Vuosaari

Central Vuosaari lit by the evening sun, Helsinki.

Vuosaari rooftop, triplet

Vuosaari rooftops vol. 2

Here are some more rooftops of Vuosaari, Helsinki.

Smallworld, Kartanon kenttä.

September 9

Views of Vuosaari, east Helsinki - from two different locations.

Bridges connecting Helsinki's south with its north.


Bridges connecting Helsinki's south with its north.

Mannerheimintie, Helsinki


Mannerheimintie, Helsinki. One of the central avenues leading into the city centre.

from the west

Views of western Helsinki.

Pasila to Kalasatama

Views from along a walk from Pasila to Kalasatama, Helsinki.

Finlandia hall

Finlandia Hall

Photographs of are from within the Finlandia hall.

Cirrus October 2018

Cirrus in October 2018

The highrise Cirrus in Vuosaari, Helsinki in October 2018.


From Helsinki by train to Astana, 2018.

Mannerheimintie 22 November

Aerial views of Mannerheimintie, Helsinki. Taken on 22 November 2018.

Itä-Pasila, murale


Aerial views of Itä-Pasila, Helsinki. Taken on 25 November 2018.


Kuinka päädyin vuoden urheilulliseen 2019 haasteeseeni ja alkava matkani sen toteuttamiseksi.


Matkasuunnittelmani Lappiin kehittyvät, majoitus on varmistettu.

south Kallio

Views from along a walk from Pasila to Kalasatama, Helsinki.

Kontula Electronic 2019

Kontula electronic 2019

Kontula electronic 2019, Helsinki. The festival kicked off with a gig in the metro from Tapiola to Kontula on Friday May 17. Here are a few…

Kalasatama back again

From time to time I revisit the area of Kalasatama, Helsinki which is undergoing heavy reshaping and rebuilding, taken on June 16, 2019.

Hyundai Kona

Kokemuksia ja matkasuunnitelma – Kona electric

1700 kilometriä sähköautolla 60 tunnissa. Siinä lopputulos, jos kaikki menee suunnitelmani mukaan. Lähtökohta on seuraava. Osallistun…

Kona, Lappiin ja takaisin

Sinne ja takaisin – sähköautollakin pääsee

Matkasuunnitelmani piti ja itse matka Lapin Juoksenkiin onnistui kaikin puolin. Sähköauto edustaa nykyaikaa ja Konalla ajaminen oli minulle…

walking around Kivinokka

A few photographs from a walk in Kivinokka, Helsinki on 10 August 2019.

Retkipäivä – guided walking tour in Meri-Rastila

The guided walking tour in the woods of Meri-Rastila was a part of the Retkipäivä happening which took place on the Rastila camping ground.…

sunrise at Uutela

The following takes are from this morning, January 2 2020, taken in Uutela, Vuosaari situated in east Helsinki.

winter shots

Waiting for winter! a winter that never came. Southern Finland's winter 2019-2020.

Vuosaari landfill

Views from running up and down Vuosaari landfill on a snow less Sunday while Helsinki braces itself for storm Dennis.

hanami Vuosaari 2020

Cherry trees blooming in Vuosaari, Finland - 2020

Protected: Kaunissaari 2020

Two nights on Kaunissaari, an islands just off Vuosaari, Helsinki.

Kaunissaari 2020

Kaunissaari August 2020, camping.

wide feet looking for shoes

Me and my experiences with running shoes, 2020.

Topo MTN Racer

MTN Racer

On the trails, short review of Topo Athletic's MTN Racer trail shoe.


New kicks

winter swimming 2.1.2021

winter swimming

winter swimming 2.1.2021

time to swim

Another random weekend

Another random weekend, some running and swimming.


Avanto - winter swimming 15.1.2021, Rastila, Helsinki.

Hyundai i20

i20 – mukiin menevä menopeli

"Ihan kiva auto" lasten suusta sen kuulee. En omista autoa, joten kuvaukseni ja mahdolliset oivallukseni saattavat vaikuttaa nykyajan…

Night Mode iPhone 12 Pro

night mode

The MS Finnmaid in the Port of Helsinki on Feb 2nd 2021.

MS Finnmaid

The MS Finnmaid is arriving at the Port of Helsinki on Feb 2nd 2021.

Offshore Ib, blue.

Robinson Crusoe

offshore, out and about on the frozen sea just off Vuosaari, Helsinki - 21.2.2021


Offshore, a few glimpses from my walk on the Baltic Sea, which in early 2021 froze, just off Vuosaari, Helsinki.



Views of Delfiinikortteli (dolphin block, under construction) - 21.3.2021.

Finnish tango, Seinäjoki

Finnish tango

In 2005 I was the local guide to a Swiss documentary team who were spending a week in Finland in order to cover the phenomenon called…

Finnish tango dance completion about to start at the annual tango competition in Seinäjoki, Finland (2006).

dance on

My Finnish tango series continues with this second photo!

Pohjavedenpuisto, Vuosaari, Helsinki


Pohjavedenpuisto, Vuosaari, Helsinki

By the lake.

a Finnish lakescape

views of a Finnish lakescape


Etelä-Vuosaaren yllä

Näkymiä Etelä-Vuosaaresta, mm. Port of Helsinki, Uutelan kanava, Aurinkolahti, tulevaa Delfiinikorttelia, Columbus, Cirrus ja Kallahdeniemi…

Härkäsaari, laituri

Härkäsaari 2021

Erään Härkäsaaressa vierailleen kuvia ja videoita


Härkäsaari 360°

360° fly-around Härkäsaari, Helsinki.

Tucson 1.6 T-GDi 265 hv Plug-in Hybrid 4WD

Protected: Tucson

Näkemyksiä Tucson 1.6 T-GDi, Plug-in Hybrid 4WD:stä viikonlopun ajan testin perusteella.


Kiilopää 2021

Kiilopää on Suomen Lapissa sijaitseva tunturi, mutta myös Suomen ladun ja polun omistama palvelukeskus, johon kuuluu mm. päärakennus…

Polkujuoksu Mustavuori 10k

Tällä sivulla voit tutustua polkujuoksulenkkiin (10km) Vuosaaren Mustavuoressa.

Uutela 5k

Polkujuoksu Uutela 5k

Tällä sivulla voit tutustua polkujuoksulenkkin (5km) Vuosaaren Uutelassa.

Kuvia Vuosaaren huipun kävelylenkiltä.


Joitakin otoksia kävelylenkiltä Vuosaaren huipun alueella ja sieltä avautuvista näkymistä, 8.8.2021.

Kuvia Vuosaaren huipun kävelylenkiltä.

Perseids 12.8.2021

Perseids 12.8.2021. Viime yönä paikallista aikaa oli erinomainen mahdollisuus nähdä tähdenlentoja, sillä on Perseidin tähdenlentoparven…

REPOSALMI – Metsiä Helsingissä

REPOSALMI - Metsiä Helsingissä, 2021.

Delfiinikortteli Syyskuu 13 2021

18 sek. Delfiinikorttelia

18 s Delfiinikorttelia. Syyskuun 13, 2021.


Nuottasaari, Vuosaaren Uutelan länsipuolella sijaitseva saari, 19.9.2021.

View from above

12h timelapse

12h timelapse in 12 seconds.

Protected: Ioniq5

Ioniq5 by Hyundai.



HMAC - Helsinki Martial Art Center


Napakelkka, an icy merry-go-round!

Residency Elias

Suomenlinna, residency Elias. A HIAP residency.

Villa Eläintarha

Villa Eläintarha

feature image Interlaken2022

Interlaken 2022

Kuvia, videoita ja kokemuksia matkakuluineen erään perheen Sveitsi-reissulta.

view of of a pond in a forest

smoke sauna

smoke sauna and cold water, perfect setting for mindful moments


Siltasaari elokuussa 2022. Ilmakuvia kauppahallin alueelta ja rakenteilla olevasta Kruunusillat-raitiotiestä.


Näkymiä Saarten10:ltä, 2022. Vegaanijuoksijat ry.

Uutela December 2022

Aerial photos of Uutela and Särkkäniemi in Vuosaari, Helsinki. December 2022.

Views from a morning run in Rome

Check out some views of sunny Rome from one of my morning runs. I set out from Piazza Trilussa in the Trastevere neighbourhood, running…


We were back on Suomenlinna. What interesting place to stay over night! These two photographs are just teasers.

Atlas and Hyperion

The highrises of Delfiinikortteli in Vuosaari under construction in a gloomy and eerie mood.


Sunset in Vuosaari, Aurinkolahti.

Aurinkolahti 4K

First days of what could be described as summer feelings in Vuosaari, Helsinki. A few views around the already iconic beach called…

Greek tragedy going multimodal

An oracle’s whisper sets desire loose. Two friends ensnared grapple against themselves to grasp it, finding truth where always was in a…

AI – combining Midjourney and GPT4

Have you heard of Code Interpreter a functionality in GPT-4? For instance it lets you upload files to OpenAI's ChatGPT and do…

Saarten10 – 2023

On August 5, 2023 vegaanijuoksijat ry (vegan runners club) organised their annual running happening Saarten10, this year on the island…


A few views from a riding lesson on Aug 26, 2023 in Viikki, Helsinki.

Sun setting over Vuosaari


January 2024

Random aerial views of Vuosaari, Helsinki. January 2024.


Immortal, the photos are from two different gigs: Tuska Festival 2007 and Tuska Festival 2009 in Helsinki, Finland. The venue was…

virtual tour home tour

Need some interior and exterior photographs of your home, house, estate for a virtual tour? Look no further. Here is a virtual tour of an…

Koski TL


View 24 photographs that made it to the final round before choosing the 18 that are now as acoustic panels on the walls of the Learning…


Disturbed, the photographs are from Ruisrock 2009 in Turku, Finland. The venue was in Ruissalo.

Protected: Eleonora H.

Puistopolun peruskoulu, Vuosaari, 14.3.2024.

Funky Elephant 14

Photographs from Funky Elephant 14 at Tavastia, April 2008.

View of a frozen lake in Finland.

Ice on the water

Easter 2024, views from a trip to a lake side cabin in Finland.

Midjourney –cref

--cref, anyone? well, this is not the name of a new programming language, instead it is a new parameter to be used in Midjourney, the…


On August 3, 2024 vegaanijuoksijat ry (vegan runners club) organised their annual running happening Saarten10, now for the second time on…


Variations from a portrait shoot in milieu, natural light.