Everything by my side

Everything by my side by Fernando Rubio in Helsinki hosted by Helsinki Festival.


August 14 2016, swimrun event called Lake to lake in Luukki.

Protected: JaakkolaP

Kuvia vuodelta 2003 ja 2016 ja kutakuinkin samat ihmiset.

Söderskär 2016

Trip to the Söderskär lighthouse, 2016.


Moving on - my endurance endeavours in transition - exploring swimrun.

Openwater week

Super swim week - five days of swimming.


Luomus, the Kaisaniemi Botanic Garden

Bodomtrail 2016

Bodom trail running 2016.

views from a walk

views from a walk in Vuosaari

beetroot brownies

This recipe is a variation. Inspiration is taken from the vegan cookbook Vegaanin keittiössä by…

Protected: vappu2016

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