2020 saw me pick up two new construction documentation projects. Besides the housing and urban development project Delfiinikortteli (link coming later) driven by the city I focus in this section on the erection of a new power plant by HELEN. The bioenergy heating plant when finished, will be situated in the industrial / harbour area of Vuosaari next to the existing one, just north east of the centre.
Source: https://www.helen.fi/en/company/energy/development-projects/biolampolaitokset/vuosaaren-biolämpölaitos
ProjectConstruction documentationCreatorkurkistaYear2020
I have not put as much effort into this project as into the two others as the site is a bit farther away. My first photo of the site is not one that would show the site untouched by bulldozers. This bugs me as I pass the site 2-3 times a week (it lies on my 10k run course) and I have though many a times I should come and take photos of the open coal deposit and thus would have had a proper before photo of the site.
“The objective is to start production in the heating plant during the heating season of 2022–2023, i.e. about one year earlier than predicted.” (same source as above, HELEN) so expect to see this gallery to grow. But first off the earliest photos I to the best of my knowledge have of they site.
Below you’ll find my photos organised by years and in tabs by month.
sorry, no photos available