Show all Swimming Arts video Culture plants Lifestyle flowers Travel Triathlon wedding Swimrun Assignment urban In The Kitchen architecture Food Music Photography aerial landscape rural venue Tech live music Review Sports AI Endurance Riding Running Vuosaari rooftops vol. 2Here are some more rooftops of Vuosaari, Helsinki. by kurkista September 9Views of Vuosaari, east Helsinki - from two different locations. by kurkista BridgesBridges connecting Helsinki's south with its north. by kurkista MannerheimintieMannerheimintie, Helsinki. One of the central avenues leading into the…by kurkista from the westViews of western Helsinki. by kurkista Pasila to KalasatamaViews from along a walk from Pasila to Kalasatama, Helsinki. by kurkista Finlandia HallPhotographs of are from within the Finlandia hall. by kurkista Cirrus in October 2018The highrise Cirrus in Vuosaari, Helsinki in October 2018. by kurkista BY TRAIN TO ASTANAFrom Helsinki by train to Astana, 2018. by kurkista Mannerheimintie 22 NovemberAerial views of Mannerheimintie, Helsinki. Taken on 22 November 2018. by kurkista Itä-PasilaAerial views of Itä-Pasila, Helsinki. Taken on 25 November 2018. by kurkista south KallioViews from along a walk from Pasila to Kalasatama, Helsinki. by kurkista