This post contains photographs from two different locations in Vuosaari, Helsinki. The first four takes are from the northern part of Vuosaari and the following ones from Kartanon kenttä, a recreational area with a skate park, multiple football fields, an indoors golf arena and an ice hockey hall.
These photographs are part of my #helsinkifromabove series.
Close to the shopping centre are two identical residential apartment buildings. They look interesting because of their trapezoid shaped.
A frontal view onto the trapezoid building.
If I was an architect I most likely would have turned one of the buildings around so the would neatly come together in a tetris sort of fantasy. On the right hand side you get a glimpse of Kangaslampi which is in the centre of the next one.
A #smallworld / #tinywolrd or as I call them in my portfolio #panoplano shot with Kangaslampi in the centre.


Location: Kartanon kenttä. Skate park.
Next up two shots based on the same photograph. By adjusting the parallax (here vertical aspect of the photo) the photo appears to be have taken from straight above the football field. In my understanding is not allowed to fly a drone over a crowd of people.

One of the football fields.
Viewing the centre of Vuosaari, view towards south west.
Another #panoplano photograph.

A video from Kartanon kenttä.
All the photos in a more conventional gallery.