This recipe is a variation. Inspiration is taken from the vegan cookbook Vegaanin keittiössä by @chocochilinet.
Beetroot brownies
1. ingredients
- 4 dl grated beetroot (cooked)
- 100 g dark chocolate
- 2 dl cocoa syrup
- 1 dl rapeseed oil
- 2 dl oatdrink
- 3 dl wheat flour
- 2 dl graham flour
- ½ dl potato starch
- 1 dl cocoa powder
- 1 ½ tsp baking powder
- some salt
What are dreams made of?
The sound of chocolate crackling and breaking under your knife's pressure, gushing beetroot as you gently grate it time after time / The sweet scent of thick cocoa syrup dripping lazily into the dough - the exquisite slightly vanilla-ish aroma emanating from the oven /
The feel and taste of a beetroot brownie, slowly pressed against your palate, delicately crushed, crumbling and releasing all the flavours you can imagine.
2. how to
Heat your oven to 175° degrees Celsius. Grate the pre-cooked beetroot, crush the chocolate to bits to your liking – it will melt =)
Into one bowl add the syrup, oil and oat drink, mix it then add the chocolate and beetroot, mix again. Into another the rest, stir it evenly and add to the first bowl. Mix well.
Prepare your 20x25cm form with oil and breadcrumbs. Spread the dough into the form. Keep it the oven for 28min and you will get a super moist and heavy brownie. Keep longer and it will get dryer, find the moisture level you like. After some resting the brownie should come out of the form quite easily when capsizing.